25 Days Of Christmas Music 2023: Day 8

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the countdown.

Blog day 8

A sweet vintage Christmas card image from Pinterest. (Image found online.  Original source unknown.)

Before we get to our holiday song, I want to take a moment to remember the man I consider to be the greatest frontman of all time on his 80th birth anniversary. James Douglas Morrison was born December 8, 1943 in Melbourne, FL. As a vocalist, songwriter, poet, artist and visionary, he translated all of that into the music he made with The Doors.

In seven years together with six albums released in his lifetime, Morrison and his bandmates brought the British Invasion to a halt and reminded audiences that classic rock music would always be in style to those of us who understand its power, its beauty and its message. He remains an iconic and legendary figure of the genre and in pop culture more than five decades after his death. I feel like I have missed him forever. I live by his words from my favorite track on Morrison Hotel everyday:

The future’s uncertain and
The end is always near

Jim M 2

Top: Jim Morrison circa 1968. Middle: Morrison circa 1971. Bottom: The Doors circa 1967 (L-R): John Densmore, Ray Manzarek, Morrison and Robby Krieger. (Images found online.  Original sources unknown.)

Another singer and legend I have missed nearly my whole life is the man behind today’s song. John Lennon’s quest for worldwide peace culminated in this song in 1971. It told us who he was at his core-not a Beatle, not a songwriter, not a musician, not a rock star, not an iconoclastic figure-just a man wanting to live in a world where he could “imagine” a peaceful happy Christmas for himself and the rest of us, too.

Merry Christmas, John. You are missed. Every. Single. Second.

A very Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear


Top: Lennon on stage circa 1971. Bottom: Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, circa 1968. (Images found online.  Original sources unknown.)

The Doors: “Roadhouse Blues” (1970, written by The Doors: John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek and Jim Morrison).

John Lennon & Yoko Ono and The Plastic Ono Band with The Harlem Community Choir: “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” (1971, written by John Lennon & Yoko Ono).

What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?

Until next time, happy listening!!!

Music Monday: April 11, 2022

Hi, everyone. Welcome to this week’s edition of Music Monday.

Music Monday

(Image found online.  Original source unknown.)

I need to spend some extra time with the man I consider to be the greatest frontman of all time. So, a trip to the Morrison Hotel it is. Ladies & Gentlemen, The Doors.

Well I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer
The future’s uncertain
And the end is always near


The cover of The Doors’ 1970 album. (Image found online.  Original source unknown.)

The Doors: “Roadhouse Blues” (1970, written by The Doors: John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek and Jim Morrison).

Stay safe & well.

Let’s Take A Moment Day 53

Hi everyone.  Hope you are all well and continue to stay that way during this global health crisis we are facing.  But in addition to protecting your physical wellness, what are you doing to stay mentally healthy today?

Peanuts music

(Image found online.  Original source unknown.)

I know we are in a serious situation, but I need a break from the gloom, doom and bullying by way of hoarding. Music has always been my refuge and watching those beautiful Italians singing to each other from their balconies reaffirmed my belief that music is the answer. So until the old normal returns, I am going to share a song I listen to that helps me escape the current state of things, if only for a few minutes each day.  And if this helps anyone else, even better.

“The future’s uncertain and the end is always near.”  If that does not sum up the essence of life, especially in the year 2020, I can’t think of another line that does.  And that is just one example of the magnificence of Jim Morrison.  To me, he was the greatest frontmen of all time:  sexy, beautiful, strong, commanding, brilliant, defiant, poetic and was inspired by two of the best:  Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra.  Morrison also wore leather pants like no one else.

He co-founded The Doors in 1965 with keyboardist extraordinaire Ray Manzarek.  The band released its first album in 1967 and made five more before Morrison’s death in July 1971.  I hate that his story had the tragic rock star ending where he died before the age of 30, but there is no rewriting history.  Luckily, Morrison & the Doors are part of the classic rock landscape making them one of the most phenomenal bands of all time.  Out of all the  staggering music they gave us, this is the song I love the most.

The Doors

(Image found online.  Original source unknown.)

The Doors:  “Roadhouse Blues” (1970, written by Jim Morrison, John Densmore, Robby Krieger & Ray Manzarek).

I do not own the rights to anything.  I am just sharing what I love and how I am coping with you.

Stay well.