Happy Birthday Boss Man!!!

Photo courtesy of Eric Meola.

Happy birthday to one of my heroes, Bruce Springsteen.

Before I discovered his music, my world was so dark I forgot what light was like.  Then I bought the “Born To Run” album and heard the words that changed my life:  “What else can we do now except roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair.”

Thank you for every note of every song.  What you have given me, let alone the world, is immeasurable.


Photo courtesy of americanicons.com.

Welcome Fall!!!

“Autumn…..the year’s last loveliest smile”-William Cullen Bryant.


How do I love fall?  Let me count the ways:  Pumpkins, falling leaves in beautiful hues, crisp air, Halloween, comfort food, my yearly trek to Vermont, cozy sweaters, warm blankets, the first frost, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”, apple picking, gourds, weekend getaways to New England, snuggling weather, warm cider, fairs & festivals, mums, pansies, acorns, pepperberries and Thanksgiving, just to name a few.

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”-F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Oh, and let’s not forget antiquing, estate sale-ing and junking!!!

Happy Autumn, fellow vixens!!!

Some Seasonal Shopping

Last weekend I was rained out on Saturday (and there were no indoor sales that I was aware of) so Sunday was my only day to hit the local sales.  I went to five of them-yes, FIVE-and did not find ANYTHING!!!  It was not that any of them were junk, they just had things I was not in the market for:  newer items, toys, children’s items, clothes and large furniture (tables and chairs, etc).

It was nice to be at it again in the crisp weather-it was 70 degrees here on Sunday-so the outcome was by no means a complaint.  But the cooler air always puts me in the mood to hit some of my favorite stores to see what is new for the season.  I do not purchase a lot, maybe a few pieces here and there to mix in with my vintage items, and I shop at stores where I get the most bang for my buck.

While most of my decorating this time of year is with real pumpkins and other finds from nature (read:  acorns and leaves), a few store-bought items peppered in seem to complete the look I am going for.

Some of my favorite places to visit are the Christmas Tree Shops, the Dollar Tree and Michaels.

At the Christmas Tree Shop I found some burlap pumpkins and seasonal pot holders.



At the Dollar Tree I found a witches sign (and some bungee cords for those big treasures I find that need to be secured in my car).



At Michaels I found another seasonal sign and some burlap ribbon that I plan to use on my Christmas tree.



I am still in the throes of organizing and decorating my apartment, but soon I will show you how I incorporate these purchases in my space.

Until next time, fellow vixens, happy digging!!!

Shopping On Ebay

Even when I cannot make it to local estate and garage sales, I am always on the look out for vintage items.  One of my favorite ways to find them?  I sign in to Ebay.  I used to be completely against online shopping for vintage pieces, but then I saw that heart tugging ebay commercial about the man who finds the toy he lost as a child decades earlier (if you have never seen that ad, you MUST!!!  Check it out here:  http://youtu.be/E0x9punvi9o).

In the last month, I made two great finds.  The first one is a Peanuts Christmas pot holder (yes, I shop for Christmas & other holiday items year round, especially ones featuring my buddies, the Peanuts!!!).  Plus the holidays are right around the corner so I like to get a jump on things.


The other is an old match dispenser which has a wonderful patina.  I plan to hang it right by my front door as a holder for my sunglasses and my keys.


This was an item I never would have searched for, but Ebay keeps track of what items you look at and buy, then they send you periodic emails for similar items or ones they think you might be interested in.  That is how I found the match holder.

So until next time fellow vixens, happy digging!!!