“The screen door slams….”

Hello all and welcome to my blog!!  I am so happy you want to join me on my antiquing and junking adventures.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!
A little about me:  My name is Michele and I reside in New York state (born and bred).  My current collections include White Ironstone, old alarm clocks, Peanuts memorabilia and antique Christmas items.  You can look forward to lots of pictures featuring many of these items.   
My love of up-cycling things first started about 16 years ago when I came back to New York after attending school for two years in Massachusetts.  A friend of mine went to a garage sale because, as a new home owner, she could not afford to spend a lot of money decorating it.  She told me of the incredible scores she found at the sale, so I decided to go also to see what I could find.  I purchased three items–a lamp, a small side table & a wooden chair, all in great condition-for $10.00.  Needless to say, I was hooked.
In 1999 I purchased my first home.  Around the same time HGTV was added to my channel line-up and I became a fan of many of their decorating shows, especially one which featured country decorating.  I had also become a fan of Martha Stewart’s show (the first one she did which was on Sunday mornings for 30 minutes).  I also started subscribing to two magazines-County Living (which I still adore) and Country Home (which I still miss).  All of this turned my non-existent decorating style into an eclectic mix I refer to as shabby chic meets country charm with a touch of rustic elegance.  
Last year I decided to sell my home (pictures to follow), which was a quaint two bedroom 811 square foot bungalow.  I downsized into a 320 square foot studio apartment to save up for the dream home I want to buy upstate some day.  I have been in my new place for 6 months and I am embarrassed to write that I am still living amongst boxes and clutter.  Despite all I have learned about re-purposing and decorating, and as much as I wanted a fresh start without the constraints of owning a home, moving after being in one place for 14 years was harder than I thought it would be.  But it is now Spring (FINALLY!!!!) which is the time to renew and begin again.  Goodbye to the clutter and on to the decorating. 
I was also foolish enough to believe that a space as small as mine could not be adorable and chic (I know, what was I thinking?  Lol).  Then one day when I was on YouTube, I saw a series of videos featuring small studio apartments.  I was amazed at how stylish, beautiful and functional they were.  The people who lived in them were so creative!!  They did not let the size of the place or the fact that they were living in rentals stop them from letting their personalities come through.  That experience sort of brought me back to my senses and put me back on track with getting my apartment together.  
Although my house was small and uncluttered, I still thought I had too much stuff for one person (which I did…and still do).  So I sold, donated and gave away a lot of things.  But it was not enough.  I still have way too much for the size of my place and my peace of mind.  I have adopted a motto…..simply live simply.  I want to pare down (yes, my Etsy shop will soon be open) to where everything I own and love is within the four walls of my apartment, with the special things given a place of honor so that I can see them everyday to keep my spirit and soul in check.  I also want there to be room to breathe (read:  nothing stored in boxes-except Christmas and holiday decor, which is also being pared down-and nothing stored under the bed…..I have heard this is not only bad Feng Shui but an open invitation to dust bunnies!!!!).
So that is my story.  Again, I am so glad to have you along for the ride and hope you enjoy all that is to come.
Stay tuned!!

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